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What is a Shard?

Within the game, a Shard is divine energy that has latched into a physical object. Out-of-Game, it is represented by a Card.
There are three kinds of Shards: Player, NPC and Dead. When a Card refers to a Shard, it always refers to a Player Shard. NPC and Dead Shards are called NPC Cards or Dead Cards.

Players and Shards
Players can learn and use Player Shards, and the less common, Dead Shards. Players can not learn or use NPC Shards. (There is one Player Shard that lets them temporarially use an NPC Card.) Each Player gets Ghost, a Dead Shard which describes what you can do after you die. Expansions will have a small number of new Dead Shards that Players have the option of learning.


Crew and Shards

​NPC Shards are like several Player Shards combined. This is to make it easier for the Crew to change from one NPC to another during the game. As a result they Cards are not appropriate for Players to learn. Some NPCs are weaker than even a Player with no Shards but many are more powerful than a Player because that NPC, by themself, is expected to confront several Players.

Cards In-Game

In-Game there is no difference between a Player Shard and an NPC Shard.  They are just 'Shards'.  Dead Shards are known to be different and only work when you are dead.  Magic Items are known to be Shards reworked by mortals but aren't called Shards anymore. Chips are known to be fragments of Shards but again, are only called Chips.

e Cards do not exist within the game. In-Game, the Card represents a Shard, which is divine energy that has bonded to a physical object. That object can be whatever you want. Players should have a real prop to represent each Shard they are using. If they lose that physical Prop or lose the item in-game because it was stolen or destroyed, they may transfer the Shard to a new item by spending a few minutes meditating. It is impossible, so far in the game design, to steal a Shard. However, while the prop is gone, the owner can not use effects from the Card until they transfer the Shard to a new item. Because Crew have to change roles so frequently, they are not required to have a prop for each Shard they are using.

Resource Totals
Each Shard provides you with some combination of Hit Points, Mana, Stamina, Willpower and Swords. For Players, at the start of the
game you should record of a total of each of these. Crew should do that at the start of each encounter. Only a very small number of cards can ever change your these totals (although damage and use can raise and lower the amount you currently have). You should also record the number of Swords you have, but if you burn a card or lose a Shard prop, you lose the benefit of having that sword. A Blue name indicates a positive resource (or a black sword), while grey indicates zero and red indicates a negative resource (Readying that Card actually lowers your Resource, minimum zero).



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Element Symbol
Some Cards have an element symbol, Earth, Air Fire, Water, Life or Death. This card is that type. The background usually corresponds to the element but there are some exceptions. Life cards can be White (meaning nuetral or without alignment) or Green (associated with nature and life). Some cards count how many elemental symbols you have. You only count Ready cards that have not been burned.

Banned Elements
If you Ready a card which has an element, often it has a banned element indicated by the elemental symbol with a red strike through symbol over it. You can not ready a Card with a banned element, and any Cards that have that element, unless you have a card that lets you ignore that Elemental Restriction. Wonderous Rainbow, from the Core Set of Shards, lets you ignore elemental restrictions so you can use any combination of elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Life and Death) no matter what the restrictions indicate. You can also use Life
cards while Dead and using your Ghost Card.


Set Symbol

This symbol shows what set the Card is from. Below and/or above this symbol will be information about what kind of Card this is. The color of the symbol and number beside the symbol will tell you the Card's Tier, betwen 1 and 7. To learn a Card of any tier, you must know 1 of each tier below it. To learn a second card of any tier, you must know 2 cards of each tier below it. To learn 7 cards of tier 7, you would have to know 7 cards of each tier below meaning you would have to know at least a total of 49 cards.


Other Symbols
A card may also have Special Symbols on the right hand side; A brain, blood drop, wing, dream symbol, fusion symbol and so forth. Some cards count how many of a special symbol you have. You only count Ready cards that have not been burned.

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